Crypto Wallet Yubikey. Works on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Chrome OS operating systems, and on major browsers. This category of crypto wallet effectively refers to any type of crypto wallet that runs on an internet YubiKey NEO.
Trezor - CRYPTO ON COMMAND (Edna Bates) Go down to "Two-Step Verification" and select "Enable". Here Are Our Top Rated Picks, Including Best Seller and Best Value. I'm intrested in getting a yubikey. i've seen some posts earlier this year(april/may) on reddit where people said binance doesn't support it on mobile yet.
To connect your YubiKey, log into your Wallet and go to "Security Center" in the top right-hand side of the screen.
YubiKeys make securing cryptocurrency exchanges, accounts, and high-value transactions safe and easy.
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Each crypto wallet has a public and a private key. All of them have features that are unique, but most. Works on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Chrome OS operating systems, and on major browsers.
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